Student responsibilities

Should We Expect Ethics Professors to be Ethical?

A Note About Moral Responsibility I have been wondering whether professors like myself, who are known as ethicists, behave any differently than non-ethicists. After all, if we do not then perhaps we’re not the experts in ethics that we pretend to be. If this is true, what might be the... Read more →

Does it Pay to Graduate From a Prestigious College?

A Cost-Benefit Analysis I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review about a study of the relationship between the university rank and performance of graduates. The students came from 294 universities that ranked from Top 10 to about top 20,000 in the Webometrics global university rankings that rank... Read more →

Should college football go forward?

Weighing the Costs and Benefits We all know the risks to the health and safety of college football players if the season goes on in the midst of the coronavirus. But it’s more than just their physical health at stake. For some, cancelling the season, as has been done in... Read more →

Encouraging students' ethical behavior

How to Build an Ethics Curriculum Image source: Role of the Professor The job of the professor is not only about providing knowledge and teaching skills. It covers instilling moral and ethical values in students too. In this post, a professional custom essay writer from, presents her views... Read more →

How to Write an Ethics Paper

The Ethics of Writing a Paper on Ethics The following guest paper was written by Kristin Savage. She addresses the underlying values that make for a strong paper on ethics. Given that many colleges and universities already require courses in ethics, this blog describes useful guidelines in writing the best... Read more →

How Does COVID-19 Influence Studying?

The following is a guest blog by Daniela McVicker, who is a freelance writer and blogger. The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed the World We are forced to stay at home, cannot go to work, should be careful about going to a shop too often, and limit ourselves to everything. But... Read more →

Online Instruction During COVID-19

Advice to Institutions of Higher Education Eighty-six percent of college students claimed in a recent survey they have cheated in some way while in school. According to Kessler International, a firm that provides private investigation services, forensic accounting and digital forensics: “The advent of online schools and increasingly sophisticated mobile... Read more →

A Culture of Cheating in Society

Cheating in College Begets Cheating in the Workplace A new study from San Francisco State University reports that cheaters in college are more tolerant of those who cheat in the workplace. According to the study’s co-author, Foo Nin Ho, “If [students] have this attitude while they’re in school – that... Read more →

What's the Best Way to Teach Ethics?

Advantages of the PLUS Model It’s time for ethics educators to think outside the box. Traditional ethical decision-making models based solely on philosophical reasoning methods may miss the mark because students simply provide the answer they think teachers want to hear by applying one or more of these methods. They... Read more →

What Should We Do About Student Debt?

Fairness, Personal Responsibility and Moral Hazard Issues This blog was first posted on my Ethics Sage website. I’ve made a few improvements since then. Should student debt be forgiven? If so, how much should be wiped clean? This is a big issue for Democratic Presidential candidates and the country. Bernie... Read more →