Higher Ed ethics

What Educators Should Know About ChatGPT

Stakeholder Responses ChatGPT, a chatbot software launched by the AI company OpenAI in November 2022, synthesizes online data and communicates it in a conversational way. The chatbot generates articulate and nuanced text in response to short prompts, with people using it in a variety of ways including their schoolwork. ChatGPT... Read more →

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”

Is it a Truth or Fallacy? It has been said that “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” This was said by George Bernard Shaw in his 1905 stage play Man and Superman. Over a century later, and the derogatory phrase often thrown at educators in a disparaging way... Read more →

Educational Implications of Using ChatGPT

Enhancing the Classroom Experience It seems like virtually everyone in education is talking about “ChatGPT.” It’s a potential game-changer for the way students research and write papers. It can also help with homework, writing skills, and to provide feedback. Some claim it’s just another learning tool and should be viewed... Read more →

Can Cheating on Steroids in Colleges and Universities be Stopped?

Who is to Blame for Lax Academic Standards? It is no surprise to college professors that academic cheating is on the rise even though virtually every university has a policy on academic integrity. The reasons are many as discussed below but lax standards by professors and indifference towards cheating can... Read more →

Costs and Benefits of Adding 30-units to Accounting Students' Requirements for Licensure as a CPA

Exploring the Knowledge Base for CPAs One of the most talked about issues in accounting right now is whether the 150-hour requirement to qualify for licensing as a CPA creates a barrier to entry for many accounting students that should be revisited. Recent changes in the laws in many states... Read more →

The Ethics of “Ethical Hacking”

Implications for Ethics Education I have previously blogged about the controversial issue of "Ethical Hacking." In this blog, I will update that discussion and add to it because changes are happening rapidly and the number of cybersecurity attacks are increasing. We live in an era of unprecedented cybercrime, both in... Read more →

Why Character Education Should Be Taught

A Challenge for Educators Here is a bold statement. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. For many years now societies have been morphing from basically ethical, where doing the right thing guides all decisions, to one where the pursuit of self-interest and lack of caring about others... Read more →

Is Student Debt Relief Ethical?

Analyzing the Benefits, Harms, and Public Good Last month President Biden announced that he will be using executive action to implement a broad student loan forgiveness initiative that will wipe out $10,000 in federal student loan debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 per year (or $250,000 per year if... Read more →

Can Ethics Be Taught to College Students?

Expectations and Realities I have blogged before about how to teach ethics to college students. There is no one best way to do so and a variety of methods have been tried. But first, we need to consider what the goals should be of teaching ethics to college students. Here... Read more →

Which Side are They on? Do Auditors Still Protect the Public?

Accounting Ethics Symposium I am participating in a panel discussion on July 31 in San Diego at the Ethics Symposium sponsored by the Public Interest Section of the American Accounting Association. Accounting educators should consider attending because critical issues will be discussed about the past, present, and future direction of... Read more →